About Me

Hi, my name is Jo Sarafis.

I have always been interested in art and craft. I began making things at a young age and many of the items I made were wearable or usable in some form. Textiles have always been a favourite of mine and I often have a project or two going in some form or another.

I trained as a Home Economics teacher and that took me to the Northern Territory for a number of years. I was fascinated by the art and craft of our Indigenous People who are able to turn natural products into unique and usable items, which carry much beauty.

I took a break from teaching and the journey of life eventually led me back to Victoria. Here I meet my husband, John. We built a beautiful home in Tynong, where we live with our 2 very lively Border Collies and a very cheeky cat. 

Through John’s encouragement and my own desire, I began to teach again. But this time, I was called to teach students with special needs. I also have a beautiful brother with special needs who although he faces physical challenges always has a smile on his face.

A few years ago, we wanted to hang a mirror outside in the garden and needed some expert advice. We found a local art/framing shop where we received some great suggestions. 

The shop coincidently held art classes. So naturally, I attended a fluid-art class, and I loved the vibrancy of the technique. 

I thought, this would be great art activity for my students at school and purchased a range of products from the art shop. The students did indeed love it.

I need to restock my supplies and went back to the art/framing shop and was shown a product called Boom Gel Stain. Again, I loved it! 

The creator of Boom Gel …Cass was travelling around Australia to promote her new product and I was lucky enough to attend a full day workshop. I was hooked. I loved its versatility, it can used on many surfaces, there are a large range beautiful colours, so many effects can be created, and it is non-toxic and safe to touch.

I have mastered my technique using a range of bases, from terracotta to jewellery boxes, lights, glass bases, tile coasters, canvas, mirrors and wooden shapes.

I have most recently began using Boom Gel to create unique earrings.

I love creating individual and unique pieces of wearable art. Every piece of my art has its own life and beauty. It is my hope, that when you purchase items, you have someone in mind. May they find a spot in your home, make you feel special by wearing, or are purchased as a gift for someone special. 

I turn ordinary into extraordinary for you to enjoy.

